Dienstag, 29. März 2011

21.) Liberty City, March 1, 1891, Anne-Mary at School

.....as I had told you Anne-Mary began medical school at St Andrews University last fall. St Andrews U. ist the preeminent educational institutation in New America. So they say. Every time I met with Anne-Mary during her first months there, it appeared to me as an educational institution that is eminently nasty to its freshmen, especially if they happen to be girls. Probably a case of snobbishness paired with rudeness. Anne-Mary clearly suffered there, but also assured me that she could cope with it and that at least some teachers and students were nice.
St Andrews had a beautiful campus, widespread, parklile. Around this campus a small town has grown during the last 20 years or so. In fact it nearly has become a part of the ever-extending city of Liberty. It still retained much of its rustic charme though and also has become a place where wealthy Libertines built their mansions and hoped to live the good life. There also is a Senior League team in St. Andrews, the Brothers, but that`s another story that I´ll save for later.
Because of all the pressures I met Anne-Mary only infrequently. She always seemed to study and study and then some more. We would take a walk for an hour and then  I felt that she was drawn back to her books, because some exam was ahead. So I returned to the city , wondered briefly, if indeed it was the coming exam that occupied her. And then I recalled all her promises to me and my mind was at peace again.

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